My job is to help you develop actionable goals towards your career interests.
If you feel lost, lack direction and don’t know where to begin, I have the experience and expertise to guide you through the process. For a full breakdown on pricing and session details, please fill out the contact form below.
Individual Coaching Sessions
Individual coaching sessions Whether it be job search, career transition and change or outplacement as a result of redundancy, one on one sessions are conducted in person or via zoom.
Sessions typically are 1 hour in duration and are based on an initial discussion to determine the most effective way of meeting your career goals.
Career Coaching Programs
Coaching programs to accommodate different stages in your career.
- Career Start
- Career Crossroads
Click here for full program details
Group Workshops
Covering topics such as career planning, finding your purpose, brand building, job search and the hidden market, career marketing collateral, interview preparation etc.
Interactive workshops can be conducted either face to face depending on your location or online. Topics will be based on the clients needs and reflect thorough research and understanding of the audience and industry/sector.
Career Coaching Programs
In order to ensure that clients obtain the maximum benefit, I highly recommend a minimum of four sessions with a check in at the half way mark. To have a one off session in most cases is not sustainable in that it does not allow clients to put into practice the strategies and actions discussed in prior session/s. Career management and development is very much an evolving process of exploration and discovery
Career Start
For undergraduates, graduates/post graduates with up to 3 years minimum work experience (typically up to 4 sessions)
- Targeted professional and industry relevant cv and linkedin profile.
- Conducting a practice mock interview for a position of interest.
- SMART action plan on how to best position yourself and tap into some relevant work experience.
- How to prepare for Psychometric testing and Assessment Centres.
- *Access to Birkman Signature Report including a debrief outlining your career interests, strengths and needs (note: to complete the Birkman Signature Report will be an additional cost including both administration and debrief
*Please note there will be extra costs incurred for administration and interpretation
Career Crossroads
For professionals, career changers, individuals re-entering the workforce (typically 6-8 sessions)
- Exploration of career, options and pathways including values, needs, strengths.
- SMART action plan with timeframes.
- Articulating your value proposition and professional identity including key strength areas.
- How to tap into the hidden market and start connecting with relevant individuals and having conversations.
- Job Search Strategy – including how to put together a skills based and achievement focused CV / Linked In Profile and how to prepare for a competency based interview.
- *Access to Birkman Signature Report including a debrief outlining your career interests, strengths and needs (note: to complete the Birkman Signature Report will be an additional cost including both administration and debrief)
*Please note there will be extra costs incurred for administration and interpretation
Let’s start a conversation
Whether you’re at the start of your career or at cross-roads, I would love to have a chat about how I can help you achieve your career goals. Simply fill your details into our contact form and I’ll be in touch.